Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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████████████████████████ 32bMM : DOCUMENTATION ███████████████████████
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████████████████████████ 32 bits Memory Manager was ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ Coded by LCA of Psychose Inc. ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ V.1 ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ (C)opyright 1993 by LCA of ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ Psychose Inc. ███████████████████████
████████████████████████ ███████████████████████
█ █
█ █
█ 1) Introduction █
█ α/ Who's done it? █
█ α/ What for? █
█ α/ Can you use it? █
█ █
█ 2) How to use it? █
█ α/ New addressing mode █
█ α/ Use the Flat-Real mode in your programs █
█ α/ The Object-File : "32bMM.OBJ" █
█ █
█ 3) Do you want to contact "Psychose Inc."? █
█ α/ Use your MINITEL if you are French █
█ α/ Write to me █
█ █
█ 4) Conclusion █
█ █
█ █
1) Introduction
α/ Who's done it?
I (LCA of "Psychose Inc.") coded this Object-File. It was of
course programmed in assembler.
α/ What for?
Two years ago, I read a book in which the writer explains how
to address 4 Giga-bytes in linear mode AND in real mode on a 80386. Then months
after months I got bored with those coders that were proud of addressing the
memory in flat protected mode. And I hope that you know that the protected-mode
is slower than the real mode. Then I decided to code a Memory-Manager in Flat-
Real Mode: 32bMM. The purpose of this unit is to address the memory:
* in flat-mode
* in real-mode
* stay compatible with DOS
The problem is to stay compatible with DOS. So I decided to use
the XMS-driver to keep the compatibility. Therefore, if you want to use 32bMM,
the XMS-Driver must be installed.
Be careful : The processor MUST NOT be in protected-mode when
using 32bMM. If it is, then the 32bMM won't initialize and you won't be able to
use the Flat-Real mode.
α/ Can you use it?
This Object-File is FreeWare : you can use it IF AND ONLY IF :
* The program using 32bMM is not a commercial program
(shareware is considered as commercial software).
* You mention in your program that you used "32bMM of
Psychose Inc.".
* 32bMM is not modified in any way and stay in its
original form.
You can (sorry, YOU MUST!!!!) copy the 32bMM-package. I just
hope 32bMM won't be used by little coders also called lamers............
Moreover, SEND me your programs using 32bMM, I would be pleased
to try it!!!
2) How to use it?
α/ New addressing mode:
With the Flat-Real Mode, you can address the whole memory that
way : MOV Reg,[GS:reg32] or anyway you want, provided that the segment is "GS".
Indeed, here is how the Flat-Real mode is initialized:
* All segments except GS have a length of 64 Kilo-Bytes.
* The segment "GS" has a length of 4 Giga-Bytes, and GS=0000h.
What does it mean?
Let's study this question threw some examples:
1/ Before instruction:
* ESI=4000h ("4" and three "0")
* the byte pointed by DS:ESI is transfered to AL... Well nothing new...
2/ Before instruction:
* ESI=40000h ("4" and four "0")
* ERROR because the size of DS is 64 Kilo-Bytes and ESI>65535!!
3/ Before instruction:
* ESI=40000h ("4" and four "0")
* the byte pointed by GS:ESI is transfered to AL... That is new!!
Do you understand the advantages of Flat-Real mode??
α/ Use the Flat-Real mode in your programs
To use 32bMM in your programs, you just have to do two things:
* Insert the line:
in your source-text.
* LINK your Objects-Files with "32bMM.OBJ"
Note : The 32bMM-procedures or variables are in a FAR-Segment, but the Class of
this segment is 'CODE' so that you won't have problems to set the memory size
needed by your program, as you'll soon see in the example-file.
α/ The Object-File : "32bMM.OBJ"
Ok, here you'll learn how to call the 32bMM-Procedures with
their parameters and so on.....
* MemoryMode (Byte)
In this variable, there is the way the memory is being allocated. That
is to say, either in DOS mode or in XMS mode.
In the Include File :"32bMM.INC", there are 2 Constants:
DOS_Mode = 0
XMS_Mode = 1
These are the only values possible in MemoryMode.
* Processor (Byte)
In this variable, there is the number corresponding to the Detected-
Processor. The possible values are:
CPU8086 = 0
CPU286 = 2
CPU386 = 3 ; 80386 in Real-Mode
CPU386P = 4 ; 80386 in Protected Mode
; If the CPU is in V86 Mode ('cause of an EMS-
; driver...), it is necessary in Protected-Mode.
Note : There is no constant for the other processors and for the 80286 in
Protected-Mode, because it is useless.
* How reaching these constants??
Well, it is very simple:
Example: mov ax,Seg MemoryMode
push es
mov es,ax
mov al,es:MemoryMode
pop es
* Init32bMM
CALL : No parameters
RETURN : AL=Processor
The content of AH and AL is the value in MemoryMode and Processor. See the
previous section for more informations...
Note : Other registers may have been modified.
You must call this procedure to initialize the Flat-Real Mode.
Therefore, you should call it at the beginning of your Code. It will detect the
current Processor, and it will also detect if an XMS-Driver is installed. If
ever the Processor value (=AL) is not CPU386, then the Flat-Real Mode is not
initialized and you should send a message to the user, either to buy a new
computer, or to remove his EMS-Driver (or the program that puts the CPU in
YOU SHOULDN'T modifie the content of GS in your code, if so, you may lose some
* End32bMM
CALL : No parameters
RETURN : Nothing
Note : some registers may have been modified.
This will remove the Flat-Real Mode (if Processor=CPU386). You must
call this procedure at the end of your program.
* AskRAM
CALL : AX = Size in Kilo-Byte of the wanted memory
RETURN : If EAX=0 then an error has occured!!
GS:EAX=pointer to the selected block
DX=handle number
This procedure allocates a Memory Block. Its size is in AX (Kilo-
Bytes). If an XMS-Driver was detected, then it will try to allocate an XMS-
memory block. If it can't, then it'll try to allocate a DOS-Memory block. If it
still can't, then EAX=0.
If it could allocate the Memory Block, then EAX is a 32 bits pointer to
the beginning of this block.
You MUST save CL and DX in your own variables, so as to free this block
later with LetRAM (See bellow).
* LetRAM
CALL : CL=MemoryMode of the selected block
DX=Handle Number of the selected block
RETURN : Nothing
This procedure will free the previously selected block with AskRAM.
3) Do you want to contact "Psychose Inc."?
If your deepest dream is to get in touch with us (hahaha!!!???), then
α/ If you are French, then use your lovely MINITEL:
* 3615 RTEL
BAL : LCA (Coder of Psychose Inc.)
BAL : NAPALM (......................)
BAL : HACKER CROLL (......................)
α/ If you wanna contact me, then write to:
12, Rue Paul RONIN
42100 Saint-Etienne
But, you must know that I may not answer to every letters since I am
not rich and I've got lots of homework with my study.
Therefore can you put in your letter a self-addressing envelope???
3) Conclusion
I hope you'll enjoy this little Object-File. Since it is the first
version, there are not a lot of procedures (like knowing the free memory and
so on...). But, as soon as I can, I'll improve it!!
Well I haven't got anything else to tell you, so
Have a good programming (ASM ONLY!!!!!!),
LCA of Psychose Inc.